Thursday, February 4, 2010


hellooooooo im fresh to death! just got my shower! and i woke up pretty much early today at 8 ish cause mom went back home cause ada our 0nce-in-a-week maid came and bell the door but i dint hear the sound the bell cause im sleeping like theres no tomorrow. blame the ubat! the actifed that i took before i off to bed lastnight! and it also made me dream about something weird hahaha! ok back to my mom story kali she knocked like so loud! and i straight jump from the bed and it made my brain goes so slowtil now!

all and all i had a good sleep but not a good dream =/

oohh babi i want sushi again.

and i had this cough and flu and this morning i barely lost my voice and my throat is srsly killing me! i had this sore throat this morning sakit nya the very!

guess what i almost thought today is wednesday. heish

i mean geeezzz COMEEE ON WHATT HAPPENED TO ME KANN??? i dont feel gud tis lately.

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