Saturday, January 30, 2010

wake up in the morning feeling like p.diddy

hahahahahaha! baie the title! fck!
well hello saturday!
should i be sad or should i just move on anf ferget about it? >=/ sigh..
okay move on
went shopping for tonight event this morning with my mama. we'll be having this bbq at our place its my brother pulang the one yg mengusut kemati kan have this bbq! and he'll be inviting his friends and guess i'll be boring tunait eh? im going to eat like theres no tomorrow! jgntah diet biartah fat like vavi! dont careeeee anymore! im stressing out! emo kemati kejiwa like berabis! haysss =S
mi beybi bradaaaaa mi lav de bery!
and ani
p/s : to elin be jeles aku makan sushi again today and KUNGRETULISIN TO U BEYBEY CAUSE U GOT THE JOB! terima nanti dapat lanja aku SIKSKIPID ahhhhhh! hahahahahahaha!. sayang kau :8p

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