banyak thoughts inside my head! i miss you i miss you and i miss you can you feel me? :-( hessshishhh.
ok MERDEKA! too late actually tapi nda apa.
i went to bandar with ze la familia today! i bought myself tis magazine which ive been dying to read like 2 weeks ago? then kan abis bulan feb baru ku bali ? hahaha! always! and i got something to drools.. aku mau ani
lawaaaaaaaaaaaa bah ='( if get its either one of those happy forever ku ni! this bag is soo damn lawa. im nt a big fan of coach pulang tpinya i saw tis bag on magazine kali aku like!
ok back to my emo-ish story.
i think im just being useless and dumb! trying hard pun kan neglect this one person pun inda dapat. how bodoh i am =( i dunno what he did to me until macam aku sorang saja yg still angau macam babi at him while him is actually happy enjoying life with his other half tapi aku????? trying so hard to erase him from my life is ssrly hard. susah eh! i cant just confess lagi and tell him whats inside this hati. tpi.. its killing you know! dont know why i still wish for you for my upcoming birthday! STUPID LAH! tpi everything i did or everywhere i go its just gonna reminds me of him! mcm flashback tah pulang balik that is no good. my wish for 2010 is "i wanna forget you like A.S.A.P" tapi howwww??? =( coz everytime he talked to me it feels like jantungku kan kena telan plus kuyak! will he ever know that im actually still the same?? bah ok. dot dot dot. k ani saja.
miss miss miss.
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