Friday, January 8, 2010

so long...... ='(

well hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

so here is my confession!

i went to miri today and was planing to cut my front hair pasal my front hair is veryyy vayi straight like VWAVISH!! cause yess! i straightened my hair which is im not gonna do it actually pasal after i straightened my hair with wella straight my hair jadi wavy which is actually aku suka butttttt! antah eh =( then kaliiii kaliiii this hairdresser ya mau gunting and trim the whole aku punya rambut pasal i got banyak split ends kali at first aku cakap i dont want pasal sayang! rambut ku! coz i wanna keep it long dulu then baru trim pasal it took a life time kali ah for me to biar kan this hair panjang! and i have to curl also just to make my hair grew faster! okay apakan back to the story kalinya... i was so kesian kan since ya kan mau trim my hair kali i let her to trim my hair kali what happened??????? pindik jua tu!! vavi eh! ku cakap jgn pindik kali pindik jua lakat ni!
ni pindik cemani =/
nadawah iksin =8p
this is the real one ! ni dbwh ah!

and pls im not happy banarnya but i have to smile krg bida gambar ku HAHAHAHA!
and before my hair turns out like this im very happy with the length of my actual hair which is
aniii!!!!!!!! panjang ohhhh. now the hair is singan my chest iskk *cried ='(

bah k. bye! mintal ku.

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